Receding hairline also refers to the thinning or loss of hair on the scalp, particularly at the front and top of the scalp, starting at the temple. It is a disorder that can be caused by many different factors and is more common in men than women. For many, a receding hairline is reversible with treatment.
Causes of receding hairline
Losing hair happens as part of a normal cycle for most people. It is normal to lose approximately 100 hairs a day. The hair slowly and gradually falls out, then new hair grows back again. But in some situations, the cycle doesn’t work the way it should.
✅Hormone change
✅Excessive hair styling
✅Poor diet
✅Tumour and so on
Type of receding hairline
1.Female pattern baldness
In women, the pattern of hair loss is usually very different than in men. Usually, females do not have the typical receding hairline that happens at the beginning of male pattern baldness. Instead, women commonly experience thinning on the top and crown of the scalp.
2.Frontal Fibrosing alopecia
Permanent hair loss from the scalp, causing baldness.While the patterns of baldness for men and women differ, they both have a common genetic cause,the exact cause of the condition is unknown
There is no cure for frontal fibrosing alopecia, but medications that slow the loss of hair may be effective in some cases, especially in the early stages of the condition.
3. Traction alopecia
Traction Alopecia is a gradual hair loss resulting from constant pulling from the hair being pulled back into a ponytail, pigtails, or braids. Reducing hair-pulling hairstyles can prevent the condition.
How to maintain receding hairline
1. Changing shampoo
Some shampoo contain harsh ingredients that may lead to hair loss,using medicated shampoo can help encourage hair growth.
2. Hairstyles
Certain hairstyles can put pressure on the hair which leads to hair fall out, hair thinning
Hairstyles that pull the hair include tight braids, ponytails, and too tight cornrows. Protective hairstyles include cornrows, braids and also changing your hairstyles frequently.
3. Balanced diet
Eating a healthy balanced diet helps prevent hair loss. Foods that are rich in vegetables and fresh herbs are really good foods that promote healthy hair growth including eggs,nuts, fatty fish.
Stress can cause hair loss, stay physically active, get enough sleep and eat healthy foods.
5.scalp massage
Massaging the scalp also helps a lot
Although having a receding hairline commonly causes concern for both men and women, many people have discovered that there is hope. New medical treatments and procedures on the horizon may help to slow down the process of a receding hairline.